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Rock Bluff Park

Rock Bluff Road divides the area forming two distinct areas.
Printable Park Map

The west side of the road is made up of undeveloped oak/hickory timber open to public hunting. To the east of the road is an upper and lower area located on the banks of the Des Moines River. The lower area is an excellent area to bank fish or simply enjoy leisurely time along the river shoreline. The upper area is a great place to hike along the river bluff and enjoy the sprawling white oaks that grow on the south-facing slope.


From HWY 34 West at Quincy Place Mall take H21 (Rock Bluff Road) North and West approximately 4 miles to the park; Center Twp.



Site Amenities

  • Picnic tables
  • Fire Rings

Recreational Activities

  • Picnicking
  • Fishing (river)
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • Photography
  • Hunting (west side of road only)


Park and Natural Environment Area

Map · Rock Bluff Park