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Local Planning Group

A Local Emergency Planning Committee or group, sometimes referred to as a LEPC, is a group of both public and private local stakeholders.

These groups are established in an Emergency Planning District designated by the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC).

The LEPCs were established to meet the requirements of the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act (SARA, Title III), for emergency response planning. One benefit of having these groups is seen during development of the emergency response plan. Having view points from private and public entities both, ensures that our plans are as comprehensive and complete as possible. Another benefit for having a LEPC is evident when a disaster occurs. Having partners from the public and private sector who have worked together before disasters occur, can facilitate a more rapid and effective response.

If you or your business are interested in joining the emergency planning group in Wapello County, please call the EMA office or email for more information.

Chart of Emergency Management Wapello County's structure
EMA Structure